Date: May 8, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Birdsong is beautiful! Come and listen at two separate events marking International Biodiversity Day 2019

Dawn Chorus Walk

Wednesday May 22nd 2019, 4.30am Pinner’s Hole, Knighton
Meet in front of Offa’s Dyke Centre. The Centre will be open afterwards for hot drinks and a space
to warm up.
Local birdwatcher, Anne Cummings, who has taken part in bird surveys for the British Trust for
Ornithology, will lead the walk and share her knowledge of birds and their songs. We will be
walking in the recreation ground and Pinner’s Hole area, at the back of Offa’s Dyke Centre.
Come and learn how to identify birds by their calls, and find out how our local bird population is
Global biodiversity is decreasing as the human impacts of agriculture, climate change and habitat
destruction take their toll. The better we know our local species, the more able we will be to protect
The dawn chorus is a wonderful and precious thing – we need to make sure it remains for future

Evening chorus

Saturday 25th May, 8pm Pinner’s Hole, Knighton
Meet at the back of Offa’s Dyke centre, overlooking the recreation ground.
Local musicians will listen to and interact with the evening birdsong.

Both events are free. Wear sensible shoes/boots and dress warmly. Events may be postponed if the
weather is very bad, but will go ahead in the case of light rain.